Solution Offering

Combined heat and power units are an important part of the energy revolution

Viessmann has more than 35 years of experience in CHP products. The new generation of equipment from the family-owned company now sets technological standards. A total of 13 different modules with outputs of up to 530 kWe and 660 kWth are available, while service is optimized by extended maintenance intervals.

The picture shows combined heat and power units from Viessmann.
With more than 35 years of experience in this product area, Viessmann offers efficient gas fired CHP units

Allendorf (Eder), Aug 21, 2020 –  Climate action is needed today more than ever. This includes the increased use of highly efficient technologies and renewable energies. In the field of decentralized electricity generation, these are micro-CHP with fuel cells and, above all, engine-driven CHP. In contrast to wind power and photovoltaics, these generate electrical energy when it is needed and can thus compensate for bottlenecks in volatile power generation. As a result, political discussions in recent years have headed in the direction of flexible CHP units, which is reflected in the recent amendments to the Coal Phase-Out Act (Kohleausstiegsgesetz) and the Combined Heat and Power Generation Act (Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungs-Gesetz). Modern combined heat and power units are therefore an important part of the energy revolution.

Slight but steady increase in the number of CHP units sold

The number of CHP units sold has generally increased slightly but steadily over the past five years. Micro-CHP units up to 12 kWe accounted for the largest share of total sales in 2019, at over 45 percent. This was followed by mini-CHP modules up to 50 kWe, which had a market share of around 35 percent. The remaining 20 percent was accounted for by CHP units with larger outputs.

Vitobloc 200 CHP unit for any application

With more than 35 years of experience in this product area, Viessmann offers efficient gas-powered CHP units. A total of 13 different modules are available as standard with electrical outputs of 6 to 530 kilowatts and thermal outputs of 15 to 660 kilowatts. The devices are designed for use in commercial and industrial operations as well as in municipalities and residential areas.

Technical advancement is key to market success

In the past few years, there have been four main drivers shaping technical advancement:

  1. Implementation of national and international grid connection guidelines, for example, the application rule for generation systems on the low-voltage grid (VDE-AR-N 4105)
  2. Implementation of national and European emissions legislation, for example, the 44th
  3. Federal Immission Control Ordinance (BImSchV) and the European Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD)
  4. Technical progress in engines
  5. Growing customer requirements, especially from industry, such as high temperature applications and steam extraction

In line with these requirements, Viessmann has specifically developed new CHP units, introduced SCR technology for nitrogen oxide reduction at an early stage, and thus further consolidated its market position.

The new developments include, in particular:

  • Variants of our standard CHP units specially adapted to individual customer requirements, for example, for high return temperatures (up to 80°C) for the efficient operation of an adsorption refrigeration machine, compact modules without flue gas heat exchangers for using the high flue gas temperatures in external heat exchangers or steam boilers, and modules with the lowest possible pollutant emissions to meet national or local emission requirements.
  • CHP with integrated SCR systems.
  • Introduction of new Vitobloc 300 CHP units (6, 9, 15, and 20 kWe) for residential applications at the end of 2020.
  • Improvements and optimization for servicing the units, for example, extended maintenance intervals for the Vitobloc 200 EM-50 and EM-70 from 1800 to 3000 operating hours.
  • Market launch of the Vitobloc 200 EM-100 (output:
  • 99 kWe, 167 kWth) with an engine developed solely for this power class.
  • Introduction of the new CHP control system ViNCI and expansion of our electronic platform.
  • Market launch of Vitoscada, an innovative cloud-based online monitoring system for multivalent energy systems with CHP.

Thanks to the new developments and the product launches still planned for this year, Viessmann considers itself excellently equipped to continue looking ahead to a positive future.  


The image shows combined heat and power units from Viessmann.
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With more than 35 years of experience in this product area, Viessmann offers efficient gas fired CHP units.

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