Save heating costs with ViCare Plus and smart ViCare thermostats
Reduce heating costs without having to do without cozy warmth on cold winter days and without investing in a new heating system? The new ViCare Plus premium app with Savings Assistant and unique intelligent heating control makes it possible in conjunction with the ViCare thermostats.

Extension of the ViCare app to include premium version ViCare Plus with innovative Savings Assistant feature package
- Unique Intelligent Heat Control communicates directly with the heating system
- Addition of ViCare smart devices enables continuous automatic flow balancing for maximum energy savings
Allendorf (Eder), Dec 2, 2022 – Heating costs are poised to go through the roof this winter, but no one is defenseless against rapidly rising energy prices. The new ViCare Plus with the innovative Savings Assistant feature package, together with the smart ViCare radiator and floor thermostats, enables significant savings while maintaining or even increasing comfort without having to invest in a new heating system.
Back in 2017, the European Building Automation and Controls Association (EUBAC) reported that energy savings of roughly 27 percent are possible just through the use of modern radiator thermostats. Viessmann’s own studies not only confirm these results but also show that significantly greater savings can be achieved with just a few additional measures, such as Intelligent Heat Control using ViCare Plus and ViCare thermostats.
In addition to ViCare thermostats, the premium ViCare Plus version with the Savings Assistant is necessary for this. The Savings Assistant includes the unique control algorithm Intelligent Heat Control, a geofencing feature, detailed energy reports with 7-day forecast and allows permanent automatic flow balancing.
Intelligent Heat Control is unique on the market and ensures the greatest possible comfort with the lowest possible energy consumption
The Intelligent Heat Control algorithm developed by Viessmann provides intelligent control of the heating system to ensure that the heat generation is precisely matched to individual requirements while using as little energy as possible. Intelligent Heat Control constantly compares the temperatures and position of the smart thermostats in the individual living spaces. When the room temperatures desired by the occupants are reached, the gas,oil boiler or heat pump automatically receives the command to reduce the heat output. This way, the demand and production of the heat required are balanced in an energy-efficient manner at all times.
However, Intelligent Heat Control offers another money-saving benefit: The innovative calculation algorithm not only reduces energy consumption but also minimizes the frequency of on/off switching operations (“cycling”) of the heating device. Reducing the number of times the device starts significantly extends the life of the components, which lowers the cost of maintaining and servicing the heating system. This requires a Viessmann heating device (built in 2004 or later) that is connected to the internet as well as smart ViCare thermostats installed on radiators or underfloor heating.
Intelligent Heat Control is unique on the market. As a developer and producer of complete, seamlessly interconnected end-to-end solutions – ranging from heating systems with integrated controllers to digital platforms and digital services such as the ViCare app – Viessmann knows every aspect of efficient heat supply down to the last detail. Intelligent Heat Control therefore speaks the same language as the other system components and provides unparalleled benefits to its users.
Geofencing: Automatically save energy when no one is home
The geofencing feature is already available in the ViCare app and now also in the new premium feature package. This feature makes it possible for the heating to detect when no one is in the house or apartment and automatically lowers the temperature in all rooms. As a result, unnecessary heating is avoided, which leads to greater cost savings.
When someone living in the residence starts to return home, the temperature is increased early enough so that all the rooms reach a pleasantly warm temperature by the time they arrive. This enables significant energy savings without any effort, loss of comfort or having to constantly make manual changes to the heating system.
As long as the heating systems have a Vitotronic control system and are connected to the internet, geofencing can be used with the gas condensing boilers of the Vitodens 200 and 300 series, the Vitocrossal 300 and the Vitoladens 300 oil condensing boilers.
Keeping tabs on your energy consumption
If you know when, where and how much energy you have consumed, you can take targeted countermeasures as required and keep your heating costs in check. The new ViCare Plus Savings Assistant premium feature package therefore gives its users valuable information about their energy consumption in detailed energy reports. Based on the data collected over the past seven days, a custom forecast of your energy consumption is also created for the coming week, allowing you to make the appropriate changes.
ViCare users also repeatedly receive individual push messages with helpful tips for optimizing their heating operation, such as “Activate reduced night mode” or “Adjust heating times to daily routine.” If you follow these tips, you are well on your way to saving a lot of energy while still living in a cozy warm home.
Continuous automatic flow balancing for optimal heating operation at all times
Whether single-family homes, rented apartments, new buildings or older ones, the intelligent ViCare thermostats are installed in place of conventional radiator or floor thermostats and enable single room control for individual heating comfort in every room. The “Open window” feature also recognizes if a window is open in the room and automatically reduces the amount of heat supplied to the radiator, preventing you from wasting expensive heat.
The thermostats, which communicate wirelessly with each other as well as with the ViCare app and heating control system, also perform TÜV-certified automatic flow balancing, which is crucial for economical energy consumption. This ensures precise delivery of the heat each room requires and that none of the radiators get too warm while others remain cold. Automatic flow balancing, which used to require a time-consuming procedure to be carried out manually by the installer, is now done fully automatically by the ViCare components – and also saves considerable heating energy.
Attractively priced starter packages make it easy to get started with the ViCare single room control system. A ViCare Plus Savings Assistant subscription is not required. All ViCare components communicate wirelessly so rooms can be added at any time without having to run cables.
Easily add a ViCare Plus subscription at any time
Users can easily add the premium version of the ViCare Plus Savings Assistant in the respective app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store). You can choose between a monthly or an annual subscription (with a discount for an annual subscription). Viessmann provides ViCare Plus Savings Assistant free of charge for one month so new users can get to know the new service and options.
Benefits for users
- Significantly lower heating costs through the use of ViCare Plus and automatic flow balancing with ViCare thermostats without having to invest in a new heating system
- Heating cost savings through Intelligent Heat Control and a globally unique calculation algorithm for automatic optimization of heat generation
- Only heat when someone is at home (geofencing)
- Continuous automatic flow balancing through ViCare thermostats ensures optimal heating operation at all times
- Tailored 7-day forecast of energy consumption