Solar thermal: Efficient heating with solar energy
The sun's energy is freely available. It has great potential for resource-saving heat generation. With innovative solar thermal systems, Viessmann Climate Solutions provides solutions for the efficient use of free solar energy.
Reduce the load on the heating system and save energy
A large proportion of the energy consumed in households is used to heat rooms and domestic hot water. This is usually provided by the heating system used. Viessmann solar thermal systems expand the system and thus enable large potential savings to be made. They make the sun's energy available to provide hot water and support the heating system. Innovative technologies ensure that as much of the heat requirement as possible is covered by solar energy. Especially in combination with conventional heat generators, this reduces heating costs and conserves valuable resources.

Vitosol collectors for optimum use of solar energy
High-performance collectors that capture as much solar radiation as possible are essential for generating solar energy. With the Vitosol flat-plate and tube collectors, Viessmann Climate Solutions offers solutions for different areas of application and different requirements.
- Tube collectors: The high-performance vacuum tube collectors have been specially designed for detached houses and apartment buildings. They enable an above-average yield even in limited space and less favorable solar locations.
- Flat-plate collectors: The collectors impress with their great flexibility in mounting and installation. They are suitable for rooftop mounting, roof integration and elevated mounting, for example on flat roofs.
High quality and appealing design
The Viessmann brand has always relied on co-creation in design and development. This also applies to solar thermal systems. Not only do they harness solar energy, they also blend harmoniously into the architecture of the building. The individual frame finish of the Vitosol 200-FM collectors contributes to this. The best proof of the innovative power is the Therm Protect technology patented by Viessmann. An intelligent absorber layer stops the energy absorption when the solar cylinder is fully heated. This protects the collectors from overheating and extends the service life of the entire system.
Seamless integration into new and existing systems
Viessmann solar thermal systems fit in seamlessly both when planning new system solutions and when expanding existing heating systems - regardless of whether renewable or regenerative energy sources are used. A major advantage: Viessmann Climate Solutions offers a comprehensive product portfolio. In addition to solar thermal energy, this also includes cylinder solutions for various requirements. The Vitocell DHW cylinders are optimally matched to operation with solar thermal energy.
Intelligent energy management for maximum efficiency
The Vitosolic solar control unit ensures efficient use of the solar energy obtained. By communicating with the heating control unit, it ensures that as little additional energy as possible is required for heating and DHW heating. Viessmann Climate Solutions offers the ViCare app for an optimum overview of all energy flows within the system. As part of the digital services for end users, the app bundles comprehensive functions for control and operation.