Everybody pulls together.
In product assembly, precision and teamwork count. Olga Bossauer-Kalteis assembles heat pumps and control systems as an employee in final assembly. She likes her job, her colleagues, and the appreciation she is shown.

Every 13 minutes, a finished appliance leaves the production line. This is the rhythm. Olga Bossauer-Kalteis works quickly and precisely. She connects the sensors and assembles the control systems. Every move is perfect. Together with seven colleagues, she assembles six internal units for heat pumps. After 13 minutes, the next appliance moves up the assembly line.
The employee is considered an expert on the ground.
Olga has been working as an assembly worker at Viessmann since 2017. Initially, she was employed through a temporary employment agency, but was soon hired as a permanent member of staff. In eight-hour rotating shifts. She appreciates this workplace and the working atmosphere. “You feel respected here,” she says. She sees no difference in treatment between temporary and permanent employees at Viessmann. “Everybody pulls together. There is great solidarity among colleagues. We support each other and have fun together.”
Working for Viessmann is a must.
Olga knows that such things cannot be taken for granted. She is familiar with jobs in other companies with a lower feel-good factor. She was born in Kazakhstan in central Asia. After school, she studied German literature in Russia. “I just wanted to learn German and live in Germany,” she says.
At the beginning of the 1990s, she took the plunge and started a family in Germany. For 17 years, Olga worked in a dry-cleaning business in Frankenberg in northern Hesse. She then moved to Viessmann in the neighboring Allendorf (Eder). “I really wanted to come here. The company has a good reputation in the region. My husband also works for Viessmann. Now we come to work together in the morning and go home together in the evening.”
I have fun and I’m surrounded by good people.
She quickly realized that the company’s good reputation was justified. “Being able to help shape your own workplace is not the norm elsewhere,” says Olga. “The employee here is considered an expert on the ground.” That’s why good ideas are rewarded. Anyone who makes suggestions via the company’s internal Vi2Go app that are put into practice is credited with points. “Good ideas might be about the lighting or tools.”
That’s why she likes her job. “I have fun, I’m surrounded by good people, I make my money – and I can travel.” Olga loves exploring the world. She has been to Mexico, Thailand, and Dubai. Her curiosity knows no bounds.