Purchasing department

We are system manufacturer of high quality, technologically advanced heating system components. We would like to develop a long-term and mutually beneficial cooperative relationship with our suppliers.

Supplier at Viessmann

We would like to get to know you better! May we ask you to complete the registration on our procurement platform. The responsible buyer will then get in touch with you as soon as you are considered for a request.

Are you already a supplier with us?

Please use your access to the Supplier-Portal here, as usual.

Banned and restricted substances

Our strategic goals in regard to the environment, health and safety include the reduction of pollutants and emission to the environment. To this end we constantly review, improve an update our processes and our products.

The hazardous material and substance law outlines banned substances, restrictions, limits and declaration requirements. All suppliers need to be in full compliance with these regulations without any exceptions. All goods and services shall be provided in the light of these prohibitions.

You can find a current list of banned substances in the pdf below (this information is supplied without liability).

Terms and Conditions of Purchase

Orders are placed in accordance with our terms and conditions of purchase you can download below.

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